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Pakistan courageously highlighted Kashmir dispute at UNGA: Gilani

Srinagar: All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) chairman Syed Ali Gilani has said that Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mehmood Qureshi has courageously highlighted the Kashmir dispute at the United Nations General Assembly and proved to be a friend and well-wisher of Kashmir.Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Shah Mehmood Qureshi had once again reiterated Pakistan’s stance that unless the core issue of Kashmir was resolved as per its historical perspective and according to the wishes of Kashmir, dance of death and destruction will have no end.Reacting to the UNGA speech by Indian Foreign Minister, Sushma Swaraj, Syed Ali Gilani said that it was full of lies, deceit, arrogance and persistent denial of basic and ground realities. He said, “We are neither surprised nor did we expect anything substantial to be delivered there. Because most people under the toxic influence of power and might, fail to accept truth.”He said that it was due to the arrogant mindset that India preferred to be in denial mode since the tragedy of Kashmir was born in 1947. Claiming to be the largest democracy with multi cultural society and a fast growing economic hub, it can’t dare to accept the bare and internationally recognized issue only because they believe that they can crush the genuine people’s movement with their military might.Gilani said lies even repeated for centuries and by the whole world they still remain lies.The APHC Chairman said that it was expected from India to be in the cocoon of its denial, but ‘we were really surprised that this was deviation from the universally accepted and recognized issue was softly and quietly tolerated, without causing any repels in the conscious and commitment of those sitting and listening in this august house’.“They very well knew that 18 resolutions presently lying in this office clearly and loudly contradict the gentle lady delivering the sermon on the podium. By doing so, India has not only once again rubbed salt on our wounds, but has put a big question mark on the authenticity and effectiveness of this world forum whose relevance and authority has already faded from past few decades,” Syed Ali Gilani added.Speaking on the Indo-Pak tension, he said non-resolution of Kashmir is bone of contention between the two nuclear powers and if UN fails to play its role in resolving the grave human issue not only Indo-Pak subcontinent but global peace and stability is under sever threat.Highlighting the need for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute, he said the coercive measures, killings, detentions and suppressions will yield nothing, instead will lead to devastation.Terming down the unrealistic and arrogant approach of Indian leadership, Gilani said, “Suppression and oppression won’t deter us from pursuing our mission of right to self-determination.”

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